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About me


I love yoga. Over 20 years ago in my  first ever yoga relaxation I had an epiphany – I felt the most relaxed and stress free I had experienced for a long time, I relaxed so fully without falling asleep I felt a stillness that I can't remember ever feeling before and as I lay in that darkened room on my mat, I remember feeling so at peace with everything, something clicked, and I knew I needed more of this in my life!

I was working in the social care sector feeling overworked and helpless for my clients when my Mum suggested Yoga, and at the time I laughed at her suggestion as I was crying to her that I was so stressed out! I couldn't believe she was suggesting I go and 'workout'.

“I don't need to get fit!” was my first thought but I'm so glad she took me along to that yoga session because something happened. Maybe it was the way that I began to focus on my breath as the teacher encouraged, maybe it was the gentle movements that took my concentration and effort or maybe it was the way I started to feel relaxed for the first time in ages. By the end I relaxed so deeply that the teacher had to come and gently 'wake me up!' I was actually awake in a liminal space that felt so nourishing.



It was a pivotal point in my life as I began to be able to use breath techniques to relax during my job, I was better equipped for some of the more challenging experiences that came along as part of working in social care and I knew that I could help people much better by sharing with them the gift of yoga.


Yoga has helped me develop further the strong empathy that I have with people in this modern society that wish to find some connection and release some of the stress that seems to be affecting so many of us. I know that I can share my skills, my practical knowledge and experience of the ancient exercise system of Yoga to be a supportive guide to others who wish to create a healthier and calmer future for themselves.


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